Monday, March 29, 2010

LGBT Prom 2010

The public 09-10 school year is winding down. For high school seniors Prom Time is around the corner. You know there had to be some LGBT members stirring up some issues. Constance had been openly gay since middle school, now her high school prom canceled their prom because she wanted to her female date to the prom. And Derrick decided he wanted to take his male date to prom, school approved, parents didn't and they kicked him out of their home. My applause goes to these two individuals for standing up and expressing themselves not caring what anybody had to say.

And this was my inspiration. Why does the open LGBT community carry someone of the opposite sex to their prom? So I went around and asked, and unsurprisingly a lot of LGBT members had the same answers. I broke down my response by their "labels."

  • Studs

Most studs took boys to their prom to satisfy their parents, the male they took was either their brother or their best friend, or a guy they promised years ago, so they kept their promise. Other studs took their girlfriends, because they "didn't feel comfortable" "wanted my girl on my arm" "I was the only stud in the school so everybody already knew the deal"

  • Fems

Most of the fems were not open about their orientation in high school so they took a boy. Some comments made were "I was openly bisexual... I brought a boy because I wanted to go thru with traditions... I wanted a boy in my pictures." Another fem went to prom with a boy but left and spent the night with her girlfriend. In my case, I was open, everybody knew I was gay... But i still took a boy and to this day I still don't know why, I never even had intentions of taking a girl... Hmm

  • Males

Most guys took their best friend because they were single and didn't want to just take any old guy to prom, but some guys took their male dates to the prom and did not think twice about what anybody had to say about it. A couple of 2010 seniors said they were taking girls only because their mothers wanted them to and they would hate to disappoint their mothers...

Some people that I asked didn't reply and I believe it was because they were ashamed that they took a member of the opposite sex just to please other people. And for those people, I have nothing but love for you. But for my people that took members of the same sex you get a standing ovation!!!

HIS Voice

As I walked in the lobby of my doctor’s office I heard an elder man speaking to a woman about God, he said one thing in particular that caught my ears, “God can get everybody to obey Him except for humans.” When I heard this I saved it to the notepad in my phone because I felt the inspiration behind it.

James 1: 19 say “… you must be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.” Later on that day I was sitting in my Mass Communication class and my teacher said, “Do you know the difference between listening and hearing, hearing is experiencing the sound, while listening is comprehending what you heard.”

Noah told the people get their lives together because the rain was coming, they ignored him, but those animals followed him onto that boat. Jesus even had control over the water on the sea, He told it to be still and that it did. If humans are supposed to be the smartest beings on earth, why is it that animals obey God’s word, when humans just ignore it?

James 1:22 goes on to say “Don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise you are fooling yourself. God talks to us in so many ways, thru the TV, the radio, and even strangers in the doctor’s office. But if we don’t listen to what He is saying and obey His word, we are wasting our sense of hearing.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Miss Kaotic

My name is Kathryn Curry-Robinson. I'm a pretty raw person! Whenever something happens that I don't agree with I def have something so say about it. Too smart for my own good, wouldn't call myself a rebel but i don't like to follow directions.

I will start a convo with anybody asking the most outrageous questions ever. I like to analyze people, get inside their minds, and see how they work.

Addicted to the computer and all the social medias! you can find me on Facebook, Twitter Follow Me Linkedup, Downelink, GoogleTalk, nd you can email me

You want me to talk about some specific issues or just wanna be my friend :) hit me up email or Gtalk, they both go straight to my phone so you will get a quick response.